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All children display challenging behaviors, but it is important to understand the ‘why’ of the behavior. Please watch this video and tell us 3 things that you learned which may change the way you look at a child who is having a difficult time regulating.
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After watching the video, I have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of understanding the underlying reasons for a child’s challenging behaviors. Here are three things that I learned which may change my perspective when encountering a child who is struggling to regulate:
1. The role of trauma: The video emphasized that many children who display challenging behaviors have experienced trauma in their lives. Understanding this can help shift our focus from simply labeling a child as “bad” or “disruptive” to recognizing that their behavior may be a result of their past experiences. By approaching these children with empathy and providing trauma-informed support, we may be able to make a positive difference in their lives.
2. The impact of brain development: The video highlighted how a child’s brain is constantly developing and being shaped by their experiences. It is important to consider that challenging behaviors may be a reflection of the child’s brain being wired differently due to adverse experiences or a lack of consistent nurturing. By recognizing that these behaviors may be rooted in underlying neurological development, we can approach the child with patience, understanding, and appropriate interventions.
3. The importance of relationship-building: The video emphasized the significance of building positive relationships with children who are struggling to regulate. By establishing a supportive and trusting relationship, we can create a safe space for the child to express themselves and learn alternative ways of coping. Developing strong connections with these children not only helps them in managing their behaviors but also promotes their overall well-being and resilience.
Overall, these insights have highlighted the need for a shift in our perspective towards children with challenging behaviors. Instead of focusing solely on their actions, we should strive to understand the underlying reasons for their behavior. By incorporating a trauma-informed approach, considering brain development, and prioritizing relationship-building, we can better support these children in their journey towards self-regulation and overall positive development.