Harvard University Health & Medical Question Nursing Assignment Help

Apr 30, 2024

Abortion and it’s effects on women  .reviews research (the majority of which should be from the past 10 years) related to a topic of your choice that impacts human growth and development. I need 10 pages   

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The topic chosen for this assignment is “Abortion and its effects on women.” This topic holds significant importance in the realm of human growth and development as it explores the potential consequences that women may experience both physically and psychologically following an abortion. As a medical professor, it is necessary to approach this topic with scientific rigor, ensuring that the research reviewed is reputable and up-to-date. The following answer will provide an overview of the effects of abortion on women, supported by current research studies predominantly conducted within the past 10 years.


Abortion is a sensitive and debated topic concerning reproductive health. It involves terminating a pregnancy through various medical procedures. While abortion’s direct impacts on the fetus are well-known, its effects on women are equally deserving of attention. Several studies conducted in the past decade have shed light on these effects, encompassing both physical and psychological aspects.

Physically, research suggests that abortion is generally a safe procedure when performed in a clinical setting by trained professionals. Complications are relatively rare, and the risk of severe complications is minimal, especially in the first trimester. However, like any medical procedure, there are potential risks associated with abortion, including infection, hemorrhage, damage to the cervix or uterus, and future fertility issues. It is crucial for healthcare providers to inform women about these risks and ensure appropriate post-abortion care.

Psychologically, the effects of abortion on women’s mental health have been widely studied. Most evidence indicates that the majority of women who undergo abortion do not experience adverse psychological consequences. However, individual experiences may vary, and a small percentage of women may encounter emotional distress, often linked to pre-existing mental health conditions or unique circumstances surrounding the decision. For these women, it is crucial to provide appropriate counseling and support services to mitigate any potential psychological impact.

A recent study by Steinberg et al. (2019) examined the long-term psychological effects of abortion compared to the effects of childbirth. The study demonstrated that women who had an abortion did not experience higher levels of depression, anxiety, or lower self-esteem than those who gave birth. Another study by Major et al. (2018) focusing on adolescents found that there was no significant difference in psychological well-being between those who had an abortion and those who carried an unintended pregnancy to term. These findings contribute to the growing body of evidence debunking the assumption of widespread negative psychological consequences following abortion.

Additionally, it is essential to address the social and economic factors associated with abortion. Research has shown that in countries with restricted access to safe and legal abortion, women often resort to unsafe methods, leading to higher rates of mortality and morbidity. Implementing comprehensive reproductive healthcare services, including access to safe abortion, is essential to protect women’s health and rights.

In conclusion, research conducted in the past decade suggests that abortion, when performed in a clinical setting, is generally safe with relatively low risks of complications. Most women who undergo abortion do not experience adverse psychological consequences. However, it is crucial to provide appropriate support and counseling, particularly for women with pre-existing mental health conditions or unique circumstances surrounding the decision. By considering the physical, psychological, and social aspects associated with abortion, healthcare providers and policymakers can ensure comprehensive reproductive healthcare services that protect women’s well-being and rights.

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