Health Care Needs Real Competition Capstone Nursing Assignment Help

Apr 30, 2024

The U. S. health care system is inefficient, unreliable, and crushingly expensive.  There is no shortage of proposed solutions, and health care needs more competition.  In other sectors, competition improves quality and efficiency, spurs innovation, and drives down costs. All stakeholders in the health care industry – regulators, providers, insurers, employers, and patients themselves — have roles to play in creating real competition and positive change.  In particular, five catalysts will accelerate progress:  put patients at the center of care, create choice, stop rewarding volume, standardize value-based methods of payment, and make data on outcomes transparent.  Review the article at

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Health Care Needs Real Competition Capstone Nursing Assignment Help
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For this assignment, continue your role as the administrator of the health care organization in your local area.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: (Does not include title page or reference page)

Create a mission and vision statement for your      organization. Determine three (3) specific strategic goals that align with      the ideals in those two (2) statements.

Recommend one (1) specific adaptive strategy or      combination of adaptive strategies that would be most effective in      ensuring that the organization achieves its strategic goals. Support your      recommendation with examples of the successful application of the      recommended strategy or strategies.

Outline three (3) service delivery and three (3)      support components that will be necessary elements of the organization’s      value chain geared toward achieving the strategic goals that you      identified. Examine, in detail, the main reasons why the delivery and      support components of the value chain that you identified are essential to      the achievement of the organization’s goals.

Suggest one (1) specific approach to maintaining the      selected adaptive strategy or strategies in order to ensure that the      organization achieves its mission and vision.

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In this assignment, we will focus on developing a mission and vision statement for an organization in the healthcare industry. We will also identify strategic goals that align with these statements and recommend adaptive strategies to achieve them. Additionally, we will outline service delivery and support components necessary for the organization’s value chain and discuss why these components are essential for achieving the organization’s goals. Finally, we will suggest an approach to maintaining the selected adaptive strategy or strategies to ensure the organization achieves its mission and vision.


Mission Statement:
Our organization is committed to providing high-quality, patient-centered healthcare services to our local community. We strive to improve the health outcomes and overall well-being of our patients through personalized care, innovative treatments, and continuous improvement in our services.

Vision Statement:
We envision a future where every individual in our community has access to affordable, comprehensive, and compassionate healthcare. Through collaboration and excellence in healthcare delivery, we aim to become the leading provider of healthcare services, setting the standard for patient satisfaction, innovation, and efficiency.

Strategic Goals:

1. Enhancing Patient Experience and Engagement: Our organization aims to improve the overall patient experience by focusing on personalized care, effective communication, and empowering patients to actively participate in their healthcare decisions. This goal aligns with our mission and vision of patient-centered care and ensuring patient satisfaction.

2. Increasing Accessibility and Affordability: We strive to remove barriers to healthcare access for our community by expanding our services, collaborating with insurance providers, and implementing cost-effective strategies. Our goal is to ensure that healthcare services are affordable and accessible to all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

3. Promoting Continuous Quality Improvement: We are committed to delivering high-quality healthcare services by constantly monitoring and improving our performance. We aim to implement evidence-based practices, engage in regular quality assessments, and foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement. This goal aligns with our mission of providing high-quality care and our vision of becoming a leading provider of healthcare services.

Adaptive Strategy Recommendation:
To ensure that our organization achieves its strategic goals, a combination of adaptive strategies should be implemented:

1. Information Technology Integration: By adopting advanced healthcare technology systems and electronic health records, we can streamline our operations, improve communication and care coordination, and enhance overall efficiency. Examples of successful implementation of this strategy include improved patient data management, reduced medical errors, and enhanced accessibility of medical information.

2. Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaborating with other healthcare organizations, community resources, and academic institutions can foster innovation, knowledge sharing, and resource optimization. Successful examples of this strategy can be seen in integrated care systems, collaborative research projects, and shared services, leading to improved patient outcomes and cost-effectiveness.

Service Delivery Components:

1. Efficient Appointment Scheduling and Access: Ensuring timely access to healthcare services is crucial for achieving our strategic goals. Implementing efficient appointment scheduling systems, reducing waiting times, and offering extended clinic hours can enhance patient satisfaction and accessibility.

2. Comprehensive Care Coordination: Developing a comprehensive care coordination framework, involving multidisciplinary teams and effective communication channels, is essential for achieving seamless transitions of care, reducing medical errors, and improving patient outcomes.

3. Continuous Education and Training for Healthcare Professionals: Supporting professional development and continuous education for our healthcare professionals is vital for delivering high-quality care. By providing opportunities for skill enhancement, knowledge updates, and interprofessional collaboration, we can ensure the delivery of evidence-based, patient-centered care.

Support Components:

1. Robust Information Systems: Implementing efficient electronic health records, data analytics, and reporting systems is crucial for capturing, managing, and analyzing patient data. These systems support evidence-based decision-making, quality monitoring, and resource allocation.

2. Strong Financial Management: Having effective financial management practices ensures the sustainability and growth of the organization. This includes accurate billing processes, reimbursement optimization, budget planning, and strategic investment decisions.

3. Continuous Improvement Culture: Fostering a culture of continuous improvement enables our organization to identify and address gaps in service delivery and support components. This involves regular quality assessments, feedback mechanisms, and employee engagement initiatives.

Approach to Maintaining Adaptive Strategy:
To ensure the selected adaptive strategies are maintained, the organization should:

1. Establish Performance Metrics: Develop key performance indicators aligned with the strategic goals and regularly monitor and evaluate the organization’s performance against these metrics. This will help identify areas that require improvement and provide feedback for strategy refinement.

2. Engage Stakeholders: Involve healthcare professionals, patients, community representatives, and other stakeholders in decision-making processes, strategy implementation, and evaluation. This collaborative approach ensures buy-in, commitment, and continuous alignment of strategies with the organization’s mission and vision.

3. Foster a Learning Organization: Encourage ongoing learning, innovation, and knowledge sharing among employees by creating a supportive environment that values continuous improvement. This can be done through training programs, regular staff meetings, and promoting a culture of open communication and feedback.

By following these approaches, the organization can adapt to evolving healthcare challenges, maintain its adaptive strategies, and ultimately achieve its mission and vision of providing high-quality, patient-centered care to the community.

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