Select ONL Nursing Assignment Help

Apr 30, 2024

Select ONLY ONE question listed below to write an essay for this week’s discussion.

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1.  From Chapter 1 as a manager, identify the moral or principles you most relate to and describe why.  Explain why it is important, in your opinion, for managers to embrace.

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Introduction: As a medical professor responsible for designing assignments and evaluating student performance, I understand the significance of a manager’s moral principles. In this essay, I will discuss the moral or principles that I most relate to from Chapter 1 as a manager, explain their importance, and highlight why managers should embrace them.


From Chapter 1, the moral or principle that I most relate to as a manager is integrity. Integrity refers to the adherence to a strong moral and ethical code, consistently acting in an honest and trustworthy manner. In my opinion, this moral principle is of utmost importance for managers to embrace due to several reasons.

Firstly, integrity establishes a foundation of trust between managers and their subordinates. When managers consistently demonstrate integrity, they create an environment where employees feel safe, respected, and valued. This trust is crucial for effective communication, collaboration, and synergy within the workplace. It empowers employees to contribute their ideas and concerns openly, leading to a more transparent and productive work environment.

Secondly, integrity fosters a culture of accountability. By embodying honesty and transparency, managers set an example for their team members to take responsibility for their actions and decisions. When individuals witness their leaders holding themselves accountable, it motivates them to do the same. This culture of accountability helps to avoid blame-shifting, enhances problem-solving, and promotes personal growth and development among employees.

Furthermore, integrity is vital for ethical decision-making. Managers often face complex situations where various stakeholders’ interests must be balanced. By embracing integrity, managers ensure that their decisions align with ethical principles and are not driven by personal gain or external pressures. Ethical decision-making not only maintains the moral fabric of an organization but also enhances its reputation and credibility.

Lastly, integrity strengthens the manager’s reputation and credibility. In today’s interconnected world, news travels fast, and reputation is paramount. Managers who consistently act with integrity gain the trust and respect of their peers, superiors, and employees. This positive reputation not only enhances their professional image but also opens doors for collaborations, opportunities, and career advancements.

In conclusion, as a medical professor responsible for evaluating student performance, integrity is the moral principle that I most relate to as a manager. Its importance is evident in establishing trust, fostering accountability, promoting ethical decision-making, and building a positive reputation. Embracing integrity not only ensures a healthy work environment but also enhances a manager’s effectiveness in leading their team towards success.

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