Loans to Finance Emergency Management Projects Response Nursing Assignment Help

Apr 30, 2024

Comment on one of the Key Findings Described in the Toner et al Document

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Loans to Finance Emergency Management Projects Response Nursing Assignment Help
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           According to Toner et al. (2009), disaster preparedness can be measured based on analysis of potential risks of a disaster .Identification of potential risks is critical in identification of the necessary resources to improve disaster preparedness. In this regard, all employees in the healthcare institution have a responsibility to conduct assessment of resources and training needs in order to enhance disaster preparedness. Besides, Toner et al. (2009) finds that individual hospitals across the country have enhanced readiness to emergencies after the HPP establishment. In this regard, emergency management organizations should synergize efforts and resources to respond to disasters. This will strengthen disaster preparedness. Lastly, Toner et al. (2009) attributes funding to be one of the main challenges facing disaster preparedness. This raises the need to find alternative sources of funding emergency operations in hospitals in order to minimize disaster risks.

Other Funding Sources for my Hospital Emergency Management Projects

Grants from well-wishers

Federal and state government funding 

Loans to finance emergency management projects

Non-governmental organization (Dogan, Yamamoto-Ibusuki & Andre, 2017).


  1. Toner, E., Waldhorn, R., Franco, C., Courtney, B., Rambhia, K., Norwood, A., … & O’Toole, T. (2009). Hospitals rising to the challenge: the first five years of the US Hospital Preparedness Program and priorities going forward. Prepared by the Center for Biosecurity of UPMC for the US Department of Health and Human Services under Contract No. HHSO100200700038C. Washington DC, USA.

Dogan, S., Yamamoto-Ibusuki, M., & Andre, F. (2017). Funding sources of practice-changing trials. Annals of Oncology, 29(4), 1063-1065.

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One key finding described in the Toner et al. document is the importance of identifying potential risks in order to improve disaster preparedness. Disaster preparedness can be measured based on the analysis of potential risks of a disaster. By identifying these risks, healthcare institutions can determine the necessary resources and training needs to enhance their preparedness for future disasters.

Another finding from the document is that individual hospitals across the country have enhanced their readiness to emergencies after the establishment of the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP). This suggests that emergency management organizations should collaborate and pool their efforts and resources to respond to disasters. By synergizing their efforts, they can strengthen disaster preparedness and improve responses to emergencies.

Lastly, the document highlights funding as one of the main challenges facing disaster preparedness. Securing adequate funding for emergency operations in hospitals is crucial in minimizing disaster risks. Alternative sources of funding, such as grants from well-wishers, federal and state government funding, loans, and support from non-governmental organizations, can be explored to finance emergency management projects in hospitals.

In conclusion, the Toner et al. document emphasizes the significance of identifying potential risks, collaborating efforts, and securing sufficient funding to enhance disaster preparedness in healthcare institutions. These findings provide valuable insights for improving emergency management and preparedness.

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