Part III: During a claims review, the reviewer states:” the review process shall consist of a simple random sample. The p value selected for the sample shall be set at p Nursing Assignment Help

Apr 30, 2024

Part III:   During a claims review, the reviewer states:” the review process shall consist of a simple random sample.  The p value selected for the sample shall be set at p<.05.”  How do you interpret this statement? 

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The statement “the review process shall consist of a simple random sample” means that during the claims review, a sample will be selected in a way that every claim in the population has an equal chance of being chosen. This sampling method ensures that the selected claims represent the entire population fairly, without any systematic bias.

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Part III: During a claims review, the reviewer states:” the review process shall consist of a simple random sample. The p value selected for the sample shall be set at p Nursing Assignment Help
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The phrase “p value selected for the sample shall be set at p<.05 refers to the significance level chosen for hypothesis testing. in statistical testing p-value is a measure of strength evidence against null hypothesis. less than indicates that results are considered statistically significant at significance. interpreting this statement context claims review process it means when analyzing selected sample any observed differences or effects will be if other words highly unlikely occur by chance suggests there real difference effect present population being studied. important note interpretation should always done conjunction with clinical practical findings. alone does not imply importance relevance.>

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