PHE 423 SNHU Sodium Reduction in Communities Program Evaluation Plan Nursing Assignment Help

Apr 30, 2024


For this milestone, due in Module Four, you will determine the most important evaluation questions and the evaluation design to be used in your final program evaluation plan. The evaluation focus will depend on the program stage of development and what stakeholders want to learn about the program. The evaluation questions will be described in terms of the evaluation standards (utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy). The evaluation design will be described as either implementation, outcome, or mixed methods. The purpose of this milestone is to establish the priorities and methods that will be used to evaluate the program.

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PHE 423 SNHU Sodium Reduction in Communities Program Evaluation Plan Nursing Assignment Help
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First, provide an introduction to your program evaluation plan that includes a summary of the selected program, the public health issue addressed by the program, the program stage of development, and community stakeholders identified for the evaluation.

Next, specify the evaluation design to be used from the three types introduced in the course: implementation/process, outcome, or mixed method. Based on the evaluation type chosen, specify the 3–5 evaluation questions that will be the focus for the evaluation. Examine the CDC standards of utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy to determine if this set of questions meets the needs of this evaluation. Analyze how the program evaluation will provide answers to questions that will ensure use in the community.

Address the following critical elements:

  • Introduction:
    • Describe the program and community selected for the evaluation and the public health issue addressed by the program.
    • Describe the stage of development of the program in the selected community.
    • Identify community stakeholders for this program evaluation.
  • Evaluating the Selected Program: Describe what type of evaluation you will use to evaluate the program.
    • The evaluation types covered in the course include implementation/process, outcome, or mixed method. Specify which one of these you are using for this evaluation.
    • Indicate why the selected evaluation type is appropriate given the program stage of development.
  • Evaluation Questions: Specify 3–5 evaluation questions that are appropriate to the program stage of development and address stakeholder questions about the program.
    • List the evaluation questions that will be used for your project. Review the CDC evaluation guide for types of questions that are often posed for process evaluations and outcome evaluations.
    • Indicate which program elements will be examined by each question.
    • Summarize how the questions address each of the CDC standards including utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy.
  • Ensure Use of the Findings:
    • How will the evaluation type you have chosen ensure use of the findings and provide lessons learned that will continue to improve programs targeting this issue? 

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The program to be evaluated is a community-based health education program focused on promoting healthy lifestyle choices among adolescents. The program aims to address the public health issue of increasing rates of obesity and unhealthy behaviors among this population.

The program is in the early stages of development and has been implemented in select schools and community centers in a specific urban community. The program is designed to provide adolescents with knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their health, with a focus on nutrition, physical activity, and mental well-being.

The community stakeholders for this program evaluation include school administrators, teachers, parents, and local healthcare professionals. These stakeholders have a vested interest in the success of the program and are key partners in its implementation and evaluation.

Evaluating the Selected Program:

For the evaluation of this program, a mixed methods evaluation design will be used. This approach will allow for the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data, providing a comprehensive understanding of the program’s effectiveness and the factors influencing its implementation.

The selected evaluation type, mixed methods, is appropriate for this stage of program development as it allows for a thorough examination of both process and outcome variables. In the early stages of program implementation, it is important to assess how well the program is being delivered and received by the target audience, as well as the outcomes it is achieving.

Evaluation Questions:

1. To what extent has the program been successfully implemented in the selected schools and community centers? (Examining program implementation)
– This question will assess the fidelity of program delivery and the extent to which key program components are being implemented as intended.
– This question addresses the CDC’s standards of feasibility and propriety by evaluating the program’s practicality and its adherence to evidence-based practices.

2. What are the perceived benefits and challenges of participating in the program as reported by adolescents, parents, and teachers? (Examining program outcomes)
– This question will explore the perceived impacts of the program on participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, as well as the facilitators and barriers to program engagement.
– This question addresses the CDC’s standards of utility and accuracy by gathering information that will inform program improvement and ensure the accuracy of evaluation findings.

3. What are the short-term and long-term health outcomes associated with program participation? (Examining program outcomes)
– This question will assess changes in adolescents’ health behaviors, such as dietary choices, physical activity levels, and mental well-being, both immediately after program completion and in the long term.
– This question addresses the CDC’s standards of utility and accuracy by providing evidence of the program’s effectiveness in improving health outcomes and guiding future program development.

Ensure Use of the Findings:

The mixed methods evaluation design will ensure the use of findings by providing a comprehensive understanding of the program’s implementation and outcomes. The quantitative data will provide measurable outcomes and statistical evidence of program effectiveness, while the qualitative data will capture the contextual factors and perspectives that influence program success.

By including the perspectives of stakeholders, such as adolescents, parents, and teachers, the evaluation will provide valuable insights into the program’s strengths and areas for improvement. These findings can be used to refine program strategies, tailor interventions to specific needs, and allocate resources effectively. Additionally, the evaluation will generate lessons learned that can be disseminated to other communities facing similar public health challenges, thus contributing to the improvement of programs targeting this issue on a broader scale.

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