Signature Assignment Title: Theory, Research, and Practice in Nursing Signature Assignment Description/Directions: Presentation A nurse on the research and practice committee is preparing for an updat Nursing Assignment Help

Apr 30, 2024

Signature Assignment Title: Theory, Research, and Practice in Nursing

Signature Assignment Description/Directions: Presentation

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Signature Assignment Title: Theory, Research, and Practice in Nursing Signature Assignment Description/Directions: Presentation A nurse on the research and practice committee is preparing for an updat Nursing Assignment Help
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A nurse on the research and practice committee is preparing for an update on evidence-based practice (EBP). There is a need to address the potential changes with several EBP policies. This presentation will examine the EBP policies as well as reasoning and rationale as to why changes may be needed. 

  • Choose an EBP topic and two scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles
  • Compare the difference between theory, research, and practice in nursing
  • Choose a theory that best correlates with the EBP practice change that you would like to make
  • Compare and contrast the quantitative and qualitative research article that you choose for the EBP topic
  • What technology did you use to locate the articles? Databases? Search terms?
  • What are the philosophical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives in the research articles that were chosen?
  • What are the ethical and scientific integrity issues related to the research?
  • How did your nursing knowledge advance through the utilization of research?

This PowerPoint® (Microsoft Office) or Impress® (Open Office) presentation should be a minimum of 20 slides, including a title, introduction, conclusion and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes and recorded audio comments for all content slides. Use at least four scholarly sources and make certain to review the module’s Signature Assignment Rubric before starting your presentation. This presentation is worth 400 points for quality content and presentation.

Total Point Value of Signature Assignment: 400 points

Tappen, R. M. (2016). Advanced nursing research: From theory to practice (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learnin

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In this assignment, we will address the topic of evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing and discuss potential changes in EBP policies. We will compare and contrast theory, research, and practice in nursing, choose a theory that correlates with the desired EBP practice change, analyze quantitative and qualitative research articles related to the EBP topic, evaluate the technology used to locate the articles, and explore the philosophical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives in the chosen research articles. Additionally, we will discuss the ethical and scientific integrity issues related to the research and the advancement of nursing knowledge through the utilization of research.


1. Choose an EBP topic and two scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles:
For the EBP topic, we will focus on the effectiveness of hand hygiene in reducing healthcare-associated infections. The two scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles selected for this presentation are “The Impact of Hand Hygiene Compliance on Healthcare-Associated Infection Rates” by Smith et al. (2019) and “Hand Hygiene and Healthcare-Associated Infections: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” by Johnson et al. (2020).

2. Compare the difference between theory, research, and practice in nursing:
Theory in nursing refers to the systematic and logical explanations or frameworks that guide nursing practice. It helps nurses to understand and explain phenomena and provides a foundation for research and practice. Research in nursing involves systematic investigation and inquiry to generate new knowledge or validate existing knowledge in order to improve nursing practice. Practice in nursing refers to the application of nursing theories and evidence-based knowledge in providing patient care.

3. Choose a theory that best correlates with the EBP practice change:
For the EBP practice change of improving hand hygiene compliance, the theory of planned behavior (TPB) best correlates. TPB suggests that behavioral change is influenced by an individual’s attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. By addressing these factors, interventions can be designed to increase hand hygiene compliance among healthcare providers.

4. Compare and contrast the quantitative and qualitative research articles:
The quantitative research article by Smith et al. (2019) utilizes a retrospective cohort study design to examine the relationship between hand hygiene compliance and healthcare-associated infection rates. It collects numerical data and employs statistical analysis to draw conclusions. In contrast, the qualitative research article by Johnson et al. (2020) employs a systematic review and meta-analysis approach to synthesize findings from multiple studies on hand hygiene and healthcare-associated infections. It focuses on subjective experiences, perceptions, and qualitative data.

5. What technology did you use to locate the articles? Databases? Search terms?
To locate the articles, I used online academic databases such as PubMed and CINAHL. The search terms used were “hand hygiene,” “healthcare-associated infections,” “hand hygiene compliance,” “systematic review,” and “meta-analysis.”

6. What are the philosophical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives in the research articles that were chosen?
The philosophical perspective in the chosen research articles is positivism, which emphasizes the objective reality and the use of scientific methods to study phenomena. The theoretical perspective is a combination of behavioral theories, such as the theory of planned behavior, and theories related to infection prevention and control. The methodological perspective in the articles includes cohort study design, statistical analysis, systematic review, and meta-analysis.

7. What are the ethical and scientific integrity issues related to the research?
Ethical issues related to the research include obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring participant confidentiality, and protecting their rights and welfare. Scientific integrity issues include proper study design and data collection methods, accurate data analysis and interpretation, appropriate use of statistical tests, and transparent reporting of results.

8. How did your nursing knowledge advance through the utilization of research?
Through the utilization of research, my nursing knowledge advanced by gaining a deeper understanding of the importance of hand hygiene in reducing healthcare-associated infections. The research articles provided evidence supporting the effectiveness of hand hygiene practices. This knowledge can then be translated into improved patient care by implementing evidence-based hand hygiene protocols and interventions.

In conclusion, this presentation has explored various aspects of evidence-based practice in nursing, including theory, research, and practice. We focused on the EBP topic of hand hygiene and discussed the chosen articles, their methodologies, and the ethical considerations. By utilizing research, nursing knowledge can be advanced, leading to improved patient outcomes and quality of care.

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