The student will identify a topic from the provided list OR choose an instructor-approved topic of their choosing related to pediatric nursing care.
The student will develop a one-page education sheet that condenses the background and of the topic into an easy to read infographic. The student should utilize visual aids and be as creative as the student chooses to be with design. This infographic must be uploaded as a PDF and be shared with the class via a discussion post. Additionally, the student must review and comment on at least 2 other student’s infographics.
Possible topics
- Patient advocacy
- patient vs. parent
- foster care system
- rights of minors
- Safety measures for preventing injury / medication errors
- Ethical, legal, cultural and/or nursing practice dilemma
- drug usage for treatment of seizures or ADHD
- refusal of care (patient’s or parent’s)
- cultural practices
- mandatory reporting/ suspected abuse
- vaccines and vaccine hesitancy
- Specific health problem
- Congenital heart defects
- meconium aspiration
- sickle cell anemia
- bronchiolitis
- glomerulonephritis
- trisomy 21
- diabetes mellitus type 1
- hypopituitarism
- refusal of medicinal interventions
- asthma
- Diabetes Mellitis
- end of life care and support
- Developmental theorists (choose 1)
- choose an article that identifies a practice change or quality improvement project and research that recommended change
- If you have another topic you are passionate about not found on this list, please reach out to the faculty for approval.
Expert Solution Preview
One possible answer to the assignment is to choose the topic of “vaccines and vaccine hesitancy” related to pediatric nursing care. This topic is highly relevant and requires students to delve into the complexities of vaccine hesitancy and its impact on public health.
In the infographic, students can begin by providing a brief background on vaccines, their purpose, and how they work. They can then discuss the concept of vaccine hesitancy and define it as the reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines. Students should highlight common reasons for vaccine hesitancy, such as safety concerns, misinformation, religious or philosophical beliefs, and fear of side effects.
Visual aids, such as charts or graphs, can be used to demonstrate the impact of vaccine hesitancy on disease outbreaks and public health. Students can present data on the increase in vaccine-preventable diseases due to low vaccination rates in certain communities.
To address vaccine hesitancy, students should include key messages that emphasize the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. They can also debunk common myths or misconceptions about vaccines, such as the debunked link between vaccines and autism. Methods to improve vaccine acceptance, such as education campaigns and communication strategies, should also be highlighted.
The design of the infographic should be creative and engaging, using colors, icons, and illustrations to make the information easily understandable and memorable. Students should aim to present the information in a concise and visually appealing manner, ensuring that the content is easily digestible for the target audience.
To fulfill the requirement of reviewing and commenting on other students’ infographics, students can provide constructive feedback on the clarity of the information presented, the visual appeal, and the overall effectiveness in conveying the message about vaccines and vaccine hesitancy. They can also engage in discussions around the topic, sharing their opinions and experiences related to vaccine hesitancy in their own communities.
Overall, the chosen topic of “vaccines and vaccine hesitancy” provides an opportunity for students to explore a current and critical issue in pediatric nursing care. By creating an infographic, students can effectively communicate the background, challenges, and potential solutions related to vaccine hesitancy, while also engaging in academic discourse through reviewing and commenting on their peers’ work.